The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the "Ordinance") (Chapter 486) relating to the collection, use and storage of personal data has been passed and this policy is addressed to our existing and prospective clients from whom any of TT fx companies (in any capacity) (“TT fx”) collect personal information.
You may now or in the future be requested to supply personal information or you may in the past have supplied personal information to one or more of TT fx and its group company(ies) relating to yourself including your name, address and certain financial or other information and in the normal course of a continuing relationship or provision of financing or other facilities, further information will be collected (all such information is together referred to in this policy as "data").
A request for data on an application form or similar document or otherwise will oblige you to complete the same as otherwise this may result in TT fx or other person being unable to open or continue an account, to issue units or shares to establish or continue loan or other facilities or provide or continue to provide investment, advisory or other services to you solely or jointly with others or other person in respect of which an application is made or service or facility provided in relation to which you provide the data.
TT fx may set and access TT fx cookies on Client’s computer, enabling it to learn which advertisements and promotions bring users to its website. TT fx or any of its divisions may use cookies in respect of TT fx’s products and services and to track Client’s activities on its websites. Such information that TT fx collects and shares would be anonymous and not personally identifiable.
The recipient of the data may provide data to the following persons whether or not they are in Hong Kong:
TT fx including any office or branch and the staff or directors; any nominee in whose name securities or other assets may be registered, an agent, contractor or third party service provider which provides financial, administrative, telecommunication, computer, payment or securities clearing, professional or other services to TT fx or person in TT fx or any other person to whom data is passed; where information is collected by TT fx as agent of any other person or for forwarding to or otherwise for the purpose of making any application or request to any other person for any facility or service, to such persons who may not be in Hong Kong and may not be subject to the Ordinance and not restricted in the use of the data; any trustee, registrar or custodian of any relevant unit trust or other collective investment scheme ("unit trust") or any insurance company in connection with any service provided or to be provided to you by TT fx or any centralised securities depositary or registrar of securities held for you; where any agreement or facility is assigned, transferred or novated or any participation, sub-participation or other similar arrangement made or where duties are delegated or an office as manager, trustee or otherwise ceases to be held, to the assignee, transferee, person in whose favour the same is novated, participant, sub-participant, delegate or successor; any co-trustee; statutory, governmental or regulatory bodies or institutions as required by law or regulations applicable to TT fx; any financial institution with which you have or propose to have dealings; where any assets of any kind held by TT fx or its nominee for your account may be disposed of or transferred to another.
Carrying out your instructions or responding to any enquiry given by you or on your behalf; providing payment gateway services, investment management, asset management or advisory services, credit, financial, trust, nominee or any related services, whether those services are implemented by TT fx or by any other person in TT fx or by a third party; in the capacity as manager or distributor or representative or otherwise of any unit trust dealing with applications for units, forming part of the records thereof or other matters related to the relevant unit trust and holdings therein; carrying out credit checks or assisting other financial institution to do so; designing further products and services for clients and marketing existing and future products or services of TT fx or of any other person in TT fx; enforcement of any charge or security in favour of any person in TT fx or collection of sums due; forming part of the records of the recipient of the data as to the business carried on by it; observing any legal, governmental or regulatory requirements of Hong Kong or other relevant jurisdiction including any disclosure or notification requirements, to which TT fx or other class of data recipient are subject.
The purposes for which the data provided from time to time may be used are as follows together with any directly related purpose:
check whether TT fx maintains your data and whether it has the right to use such data; request TT fx to correct any errors in your data; and be informed of the kind of personal data held by TT fx
TT fx may contact you with information about other products and services provided by TT fx or any other persons in TT fx. If you do not wish to receive such information, please write to our Customer Services Manager and, without charge to you, the data will cease to be used by TT fx for such purposes.