Last update time: {{updatedDate |date : 'yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm'}}
It is to shows the actual Long-Short trading data of different symbols traded by more than 300,000 customers on TT fx . The green representative is Buy, the red is Sell. If the green is more than the red, which means clients have Bought more than Sold. On the contrary, when the red is more than the green, it means clients have Sold more than Bought.
If the position ratio have showed the buy-sell states of traders, then the figures in the circle have showed the clients’ buy-sell sentiment much visualized. The buy/sell/Mixed below show the reversed trading suggestion.
Position ratio haven’t closed is a ratio of the volume of a symbol haven’t been closed / the volume of all symbols haven’t been closed, the ratio of all the symbols is 100%. An application of this ratio is to check the clients’ actual trading conditions, and to discover some symbols that is worthy to trade. TT fx also has a “Hot trading signal” to mark the hot trading symbols.
Hot trading signal is a visual mark that TT fx have made for our clients, through the signal, clients can see the top 7 hot trading symbols with high positions opened.