
Real-time Quotes Add “Hot Signal” to keep close to products with maximum positions

  • Stock Indices
  • Forex
  • Gold
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Stock Indices TT fx RC* Seven trading products with the highest position of the customers of TT fx at the moment from the statistics of hot signal Selling Rate Buying Rate Spread Rise and Fall amplitud Highest Lowest Opening Quotation Closing Quotation
  • {{row.symbol}} {{row.bid}} {{row.ask}} {{row.spread | setDecimal: 1}} {{row.change}} {{row.amplitude*100 | setDecimal: 2}}% {{row.high}} {{row.low}} {{row.start}} {{row.preclose}}
Forex TT fx RC* Seven trading products with the highest position of the customers of TT fx at the moment from the statistics of hot signal Selling Rate Buying Rate Spread Rise and Fall amplitud Highest Lowest Opening Quotation Closing Quotation
  • {{row.symbol}} {{row.bid}} {{row.ask}} {{row.spread | setDecimal: 1}} {{row.change}} {{row.amplitude*100 | setDecimal: 2}}% {{row.high}} {{row.low}} {{row.start}} {{row.preclose}}
Precious metals TT fx RC* Seven trading products with the highest position of the customers of TT fx at the moment from the statistics of hot signal Selling Rate Buying Rate Spread Rise and Fall amplitud Highest Lowest Opening Quotation Closing Quotation
  • {{row.symbol}} {{row.bid}} {{row.ask}} {{row.spread | setDecimal: 1}} {{row.change}} {{row.amplitude*100 | setDecimal: 2}}% {{row.high}} {{row.low}} {{row.start}} {{row.preclose}}
commodity TT fx RC* Seven trading products with the highest position of the customers of TT fx at the moment from the statistics of hot signal Selling Rate Buying Rate Spread Rise and Fall amplitud Highest Lowest Opening Quotation Closing Quotation
  • {{row.symbol}} {{row.bid}} {{row.ask}} {{row.spread | setDecimal: 1}} {{row.change}} {{row.amplitude*100 | setDecimal: 2}}% {{row.high}} {{row.low}} {{row.start}} {{row.preclose}}
  • *Seven trading products with the highest position of the customers of TT fx at the moment from the statistics of hot signal
  • Last update time:{{ updatedDate | date:'yyyy.MM.dd'}}{{ updatedDate | date:'HH:mm'}}
  • *All the above quotations come from TT fx Platform of TT fx