The commodity market provide most commonly traded commodities including precious metals and crude oil, with an average daily trading volume exceeding $ 3 trillion.

Commodity contract details

In TT fx Platforms, commodities can be used for the long-term trading and short-term trading of crude oil and precious metals in the form of margin.

The tiered margin system stricly aplies to London Gold.London Silver.USOIL and UKOIL margin.

  • Product Minimum spread (pip)** Average spread* Level
    Initial Margin
    Day Trade Margin
    Weekend Margin
    Minimum trade size*
    USOIL 0.032 0.032 0.01-5.00 400 80 800 0.01lot
    5.01-20.00 1,000 20 2,000
    20.01-50.00 2,000 400 4,000
    50+ 4,000 800 8,000
    UKOIL 0.042 0.042 0.01-5.00 400 80 800 0.01lot
    5.01-20.00 1,000 20 2,000
    20.01-50.00 2,000 400 4,000
    50+ 4,000 800 8,000
    NGAS 0.012 0.012 0.00-5.00 400 80 800 0.01lot
    5.01-20.00 1,000 200 2,000
    20.01-50.00 2,000 400 4,000
    50.01-100.00 4,000 800 8,000
    SOYBEAN 0.5 0.5 0.01-10.00 600 120 1,200 0.01lot
    10.01-30.00 1,200 240 2,400
    30.01-50.00 2,400 480 4,800
    COCOA 3 3 0.01-10.00 500 100 1,000 0.01lot
    10.01-30.00 1,000 200 2,000
    30.01-50.00 2,000 400 4,000
    CORN 0.42 0.42 0.01-10.00 500 100 1,000 0.01lot
    10.01-30.00 1,000 200 2,000
    30.01-50.00 2,000 400 4,000
    WHEAT 0.5 0.5 0.01-10.00 500 100 1,000 0.01lot
    10.01-30.00 1,000 200 2,000
    30.01-50.00 2,000 400 4,000
    COFFEE 0.2 0.2 0.01-10.00 600 120 1,200 0.01lot
    10.01-30.00 1,200 240 2,400
    30.01-50.00 2,400 480 4,800
    SUGAR 0.02 0.02 0.01-10.00 600 120 1,200 0.01lot
    10.01-30.00 1,200 240 2,400
    30.01-50.00 2,400 480 4,800
    COTTON 0.1 0.1 0.01-10.00 400 80 800 0.01lot
    10.01-30.00 800 1600 1,600
    30.01-50.00 1,600 320 3,200
    * The spread shows the parameters of platinum accounts, and the minimum trade size indicates that of mini accounts. Please click “Account Type” tab for details of all accounts.
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RISK WARNING:Leveraged products carry a high level of risk to your capital and you should only deal with money you can afford to lose. The value of investments can fall as well as rise and you may lose your initial margin payment. Please note that leveraged products may not be suitable for everyone, so please ensure you fully understand the risks.